Prop trading

How it works?

After successfully passing our selection process, you will have the opportunity to showcase your trading skills and earn substantial payouts using the company's capital. We are looking for traders who consistently demonstrate discipline, focus, and effective risk management in financial markets.
Learn more about our selection process and take the first step toward a successful trading career with us.

Try Now
Step 1

Choose Your Account

  • One Phase

    Prove your potential!

    In One-Phase Trials, a trader must demonstrate their trading and risk management skills on real or simulated accounts in a single stage to gain access to the company's capital

  • Two Phase

    Take it to the next level

    Two-Phase Challenges consist of two stages: in the first stage, the trader must demonstrate profitability and adherence to risk limits, while in the second stage, they must confirm the stability of their results over a longer period. Successfully completing both stages grants the trader access to the company's capital for further trading.

  • Instant Funded

    Trade for Profit!

    Phase-Free conditions allow traders to access the company's capital without preliminary trials or selection stages, based on their current performance and ability to manage risks. These conditions only require meeting minimum profitability requirements and adhering to risk limits to maintain the trading account.

Step 2

Tailor your Account

We understand that every trader has their own unique approach, which is why we offer customizable trading accounts with a variety of options, including internal platform tools and increased leverage. This allows you to tailor the trading environment to suit your individual strategies, providing maximum comfort and flexibility.
  • Boosted Leverage

    Adjust the leverage to fully match your needs and achieve an optimal balance to enhance your trading efficiency.
  • Extra 15% Performance Split

    Increase your earning potential by raising your profit share by 15%. With this enhancement, traders will be able to receive 90% of their trading profits in their account.
  • Bi-weekly Payouts

    Our bi-weekly payout system ensures that you receive your earnings regularly and without long delays.
Step 3

Evaluation Process

Our evaluation process is designed for traders to showcase their skills by achieving set profit levels and adhering to risk management rules. Traders who successfully complete this stage gain the opportunity to trade with real capital, sharing the profits they earn. This approach allows us to select only the most qualified and disciplined traders to work with the company’s capital. The evaluation includes simple tests that help assess a trader’s ability to achieve profitable results through technical expertise, discipline, and risk management.