Conversion Operations

Conversion Operations

For companies that need to perform currency exchange transactions, access to exchange trading in currencies – US dollar, euro, yuan, British pound sterling and Hong Kong dollar, Swiss franc – is available.

This means that any company can conduct conversion foreign exchange transactions on the exchange at the market exchange rate. The costs of such a transaction are minimal – these are the commissions of the Moscow Exchange and the broker.

For investors: buying currency

Management and investment companies, professional participants of the securities market use various instruments to form investment portfolios.

You can buy US dollars, euros, yuan, pounds sterling, Hong Kong dollars, Swiss francs on the foreign exchange market (FX market).

Currency – US dollars, euros, yuan, pounds sterling, Hong Kong dollars, Swiss francs – is another instrument that is worth including in an investment portfolio. Investing in foreign currencies of different countries provides the necessary diversification and allows you to make money on changes in the exchange rate.

We consider the advantages of investing in foreign exchange to be as follows:

  • any holding period – unlike the derivatives market, there are no expiry dates on the FX market and it is possible to hold currency in the investment portfolio for a long period of time;
  • broker's commission for a transaction with currency is minimal, ranging from 0.0039% of the transaction volume (accounted for in the spread on the asset)
  • if necessary, the currency can be withdrawn to your bank account;