Conversion Operations

Conversion Operations

For companies that need to perform currency exchange transactions, access to exchange trading in currencies – US dollar, euro, yuan, British pound sterling and Hong Kong dollar, Swiss franc – is available.

This means that any company can conduct conversion foreign exchange transactions on the exchange at the market exchange rate. The costs of such a transaction are minimal – these are the commissions of the Moscow Exchange and the broker.

For foreign trade operators

In the usual way of currency exchange (U.S. dollars, euros and other currencies) – exchange in the bank, the Bank rate is not always the most favorable, which is especially noticeable on large volumes of exchange transactions.

AME Capitals provides access to electronic currency trading on the Foreign Exchange Markets. For companies that regularly convert trade proceeds into currency and make settlements with counterparties in currency, it is convenient and profitable to perform conversion online on their own.

Currency can be transferred to a current account at the bank.
Advantages of currency foreign exchange transactions on the Foreign Exchange Markets with AME Capitals:

The minimum broker's commission per transaction – from 0.0039% for a transaction from 1 million USD;

  • you bid at the market price or at a set price;
  • large margin "leverage" on euro and US dollar – you can buy currency at a favorable rate at market movement and then transfer the base currency to the brokerage account.
  • Initial collateral level for Euro and US Dollars – 7% Minimum collateral level – 4%