Dividend portfolio

Investment Packages

A professional analytical team will create an investment portfolio for your company, focused on your goals, with the required level of asset diversification and expected returns. In particular, we offer a strategy of long-term investments for receiving dividends in currency, preservation of capital in Eurobonds, investments in precious metals.

Invest capital in international assets and we will provide full analytical and operational management of the strategy.

Dividend portfolio

The idea behind the portfolio is to generate dividend income from owning highly liquid stocks traded on international exchanges.

The portfolio is made up of stocks of international companies. Shares are bought on the stock exchanges in the USA (NYSE, NASDAQ), Hong Kong (HKSE), UK (in German: Börse Frankfurt).

We provide ongoing monitoring and information support on your dividend portfolio.

You can get detailed information about possible portfolio composition, expected coupon yield, payment frequency, coupon payment dates by sending us an application.